Refund Policy

At Pursiton Academy, we strive to provide exceptional educational services and resources to our students. We understand that circumstances may arise where a refund is necessary. This Refund Policy outlines the conditions and procedures for obtaining a refund from Pursiton Academy.

  1. Refund Eligibility:

    • Refunds will only be considered in cases of emergency or extenuating circumstances, subject to review and approval by Pursiton Academy.
    • Non-emergency situations, such as change of mind or personal preferences, are not eligible for a refund.
  2. Requesting a Refund:

    • To initiate a refund request, the student or their authorized representative must submit a written request to Pursiton Academy’s customer support team within 30 days of the incident or event that qualifies as an emergency.
    • The refund request should include the student’s full name, contact information, course or program enrolled in, reason for the refund, and any supporting documentation or evidence.
  3. Review and Approval Process:

    • Upon receiving a refund request, Pursiton Academy will review the provided information and determine whether the situation qualifies as an emergency.
    • The decision to approve or deny a refund request rests solely with Pursiton Academy and will be communicated to the student within 10 working days after the request is received.
    • Pursiton Academy reserves the right to request additional documentation or clarification to support the refund request.
  4. Refund Process:

    • If the refund request is approved, Pursiton Academy will process the refund within 15 to 20 working days from the date of approval.
    • Refunds will be issued using the same payment method used for the original transaction. If this is not possible, an alternative payment method may be arranged in consultation with the student.
    • Pursiton Academy will not be responsible for any fees or charges associated with the refund, such as bank fees or currency conversion fees.
  5. Non-Refundable Items and Services:

    • Certain items and services are non-refundable, including but not limited to:
      • Enrollment fees or administrative charges.
      • Digital or downloadable course materials.
      • Access to online platforms or resources.
      • Services already rendered or completed, such as tutoring sessions or assessments.
  6. Changes to the Refund Policy:

    • Pursiton Academy reserves the right to modify or amend this Refund Policy at any time, without prior notice. The revised policy will be effective from the date of its publication on Pursiton Academy’s official website.

Please note that Pursiton Academy is committed to providing the best possible learning experience, and we encourage students to reach out to our customer support team for any concerns or issues they may encounter before considering a refund. We value our students and will work diligently to resolve any difficulties that may arise during their educational journey with us.

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